Friday, April 30, 2010

On the path to hipster-dom

There are a ton of ways for me to get to work in the morning. All the ways are by foot, which my body thanks me for since my work outs have been few and extremely far between, but the street combinations- those are endless. One of my favorite things to do in New York is just bopping around-going up new streets and down even newer ones. There are so many cute little book stores, or cute little coffee shops, or cute little boutiques to drool over (and subsequently cry over as my salary keeps me a window shopper). Anyways, I found one street on my way to work that I can drool over, and not have to pay a penny!

On 18th street, between Broadway and 5th, is a cute little fire department. And cute not-so-little boys. I’m truly okay with paying New York City taxes if this is what my money is funding.

Anyways, back to bopping around New York. As this weekend begins, I realize I never told much of last weekend.

Saturday was a gorgeous day, and I spent it doing gorgeous things. I finally went for a much needed run. I went to lunch with boy Kevin-we got hummus and half-picnic’d in Tomkins Square. I went to the Hester Street fair. Had my first cup of Vietnamese coffee since I was in Vietnam. Went out to dinner and drinks with my friend Dana who was in town from DC. Went out for a few more drinks with my friend Dana who was in town from DC. And then I refer you back to the mouse in my fridge for late night Saturday fun.

Sunday was less productive, a lot less productive.

A few new girlfriends (Thanks Jessica Slevin) and I went to this place Luke’s Lobster on Tuesday night. It’s a hole in the wall gem for anyone who loves a good lobster and loves a good hottie. Luke is the good hottie and my friends have no shame in staring at, stalking and tweeting about his good hottie-ness. See below.

I don’t eat seafood. Whatsoever. And Luke’s Lobster doesn’t serve anything but seafood. Whatsoever. Of couuuuurse I’d love to go.


Jess said...

oh. my. god.
I can't decide whether I'm extremely embarassed by or obsessed with this post.
Either way, I love you. And thanks for the shout out :)