I still keep listening to this song on repeat, every so often picking up my own guitar to give Ace of Base a go. Right around the 2:20 mark is when I get especially obsessed.
Anyhow, I’ve never been to Chicago, but on my run yesterday, I swear I felt like I was there. The wind was doing a number on my ponytail’s sleek perfection and my untamed hair was relentlessly sticking to my Chapstick. Not my favorite running conditions, but thank God I didn’t leave the house in my usual running attire.

I do have a friend that lives in Chicago, a few actually. I was helping one of them write copy for her Wedding Planning Web site and I needed another word for romantic. The thesaurus suggested “impractical”. Touché, thesaurus, touché.
In more workout news, I [finally, fatass] joined the gym on my block- decent weights, decent machines, decent eye candy. Pretty content. Now, if the mirror would feel so content…
Kidding, and of course my spandex already won me a quick friend. Luke is his name. When I say big guy, I mean BIG guy. I was using the foam roller and trying so hard for my facial expression not to communicate the pain, grief and misery the roller was causing my tight, beaten and under-stretched muscles. But my obvious sour face became the conversation piece as he shook my hand with pity, “You new around here?”
(PANIC, I refuse to be the New York Sports Club chump)
“Yes, just joined this week. You come here around 7 every day?”
“Most days.”
“Well then nice to meet you, trainer.”
you're TOO cute and flirtatious. love it. you're so good at it too ; )
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